Mix Photos to create Unique Collages, Slide shows with Music, Video from photos
Photo Mixer is the best way to Mix Photos into awesome creations. Be it Collages or Slideshow videos from photos.
1. Kolase: Buat kolase yang terlihat luar biasa yang dibuat dalam kolase bentuk gratis dengan efek foto yang diterapkan pada foto dan perbatasan unik, latar belakang foto dan teks pada kolase.
Collages come with following awesome features:
A. Add Text to collages in different fonts, Colors and Sizes. The Text on Photos is saved with Collages.
B. Perbatasan. Photo Borders that can be configured.
C. Latar belakang. Huge number of Photo Textures that can be applied as Backgrounds for Collages.
D. Stickers- 400+ Stickers with various themes including Mothers day theme, Fathers Day theme, Love theme and more.
2. Video Sldieshows: Turn photos and awesome music into a video slideshow instantly. Photo Mixer is the best slideshow maker with photos, music using awesome video effects.
Slideshow Maker is easy to use:
A. Choose Photos to make slideshows. You can choose any number of pics to be included in the slideshow.
B. Arrange the order of photos using drag and drop.
C. Choose the video you want to create whether landscape or portrait video or square or a video to share on a specific social media.
D. Add music from our wide range of music that makes slideshows suitable for birthday slideshows, anniversary slideshows, or party slides.
e. Choose one of the transition effects for video from a wide range including Cube, Swap, blur, and tons more.
F. Save and share the Video slideshows created with friends and family.
Save and Share the collages created anytime. Create awesome looking collages with Photo Mixer .
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